Friday, December 28, 2007

Changes Are A Coming

Last month, I found out first informally and then formally that my Executive Director would be resigning effective 12/31/07. Not only was she leaving but I was asked to make a lateral move to head our Development department.

Honestly, I was actively looking externally for another job because my current situation was boring and uninspiring. So it wasn't like I was happy. I'm a people person and thrive on building relationships and meeting people. My concern is the uncertainty that change and transition brings.

Hey I'm a Taurus and like routine. So, the unknown rattles me.

Yes, I love challenges and this is a great opportunity as I'm building a department from its foundation. Yes, there is some familiarity with the staff because most of the individuals are being reassigned from other departments. Yes, my existing position has afforded me the opportunity to build solid relationships with our partners. So what's this I'm fearing?

Isn't the New Year a time for resolution and renewal?

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