Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Simply Said

As you know, I'm a Wei.ght A key component of their program is the weekly weigh-ins.

At my WW center an older woman is responsible for our weigh-in. For this story let's call her Jane. Well, it's evident that Jane can sense my nervousness because she always "drops" some thought provoking "gems" on me. Our last exchange went something like this:

Jane: Good Morning K. How was your week?
Me: Ummm, good. I really worked hard. I worked out 4 times this week!
Jane: Okay. When you are ready get on the scale.
Me: *I get on the scale*
Jane: Beautiful, you are down 2.8 pounds.
Me: Yipppeee!
Jane: K, you look like the kind of person that if I asked you to do something for me you'd be right there.
Me: *giving her a yes nod*
Jane: Do me a favor; be there for yourself. Take time for yourself everyday.

This has stayed with me all week.

Fam, do me a take sometime for yourself.

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